D'var Torahs We Shared In The Year 5780
Saturday, September 12, 2020
The Schechter Institute's Commentary and Video: Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson examines an early passage in the Parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech where Moses pleads to God: 'I cannot come and go anymore' and links this to our present moment and the past six month.
From MyJewishLearning.com: You Are Standing
From ReformJudaism.org: Shabbat Sha-Raps (Video for Teens)
Saturday, September 5, 2020
In his last speech to the Israelites, Moses talks about the priests making an offering for the first fruits and the importance of obeying the commandments.
From MyJewishLearning.com: Summary on Ki Tavo by Nancy Reuben Greenfield
From Aish.com:
Coloring Pages (first fruits) for pre-schoolers through early elementary grades
Love All Your Children (A Video presentation)
Saturday, August 29, 2020
This Torah portion shows Moses reviewing a diverse listing of laws, including ones for property, the family, animals, civil and criminal laws, loans, vows, and divorce. It concludes with the commandment to remember the evil acts of Amalek.
From ReformJudaism.org:
​Shabbat Sha-raps (For Teens)
Ethical Existence is in the Experience by Rabbi Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi, Ph.D.
From MyJewishLearning.com: Compassion That Can Bring Messiah: It all begins with how we treat the animals by Rabbi Dovid Sears
Saturday, August 22, 2020
From ReformJudaism.org:
​What the Torah Teaches Us about the Use (and Abuse) of Political Power by Rabbi Max Chaiken
Shabbat Sha'raps (Rapping for Teens) In this Parasha, God tells the people to pursue justice in order to be deserving of the land! God runs through lots of laws, which you can click this rap to hear.
From MyJewishLearning.com: Summary of the Parasha with Thought Questions
Saturday, August 15, 2020
RE'EH, DEUTERONOMY 11:26-16:17
From Aish.com:
​Everyone Deserves Respect by N.Y. Safran (For Elementary and Middle School students)
Judaism's Social Vision by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (Advanced, Adults)
From ReformJudaism.org: Torah for Teens, Sha'raps
Saturday, August 8, 2020
From MyJewishLearning.com: In Weakness and Strength by Dvora Weisberg
From Aleph Beta: Watch Why God Wants Us to Thank God (A video for children)
From ReformJudaism.org: Eikev For Teens
Saturday, August 1, 2020
I [Moses] pleaded with the Eternal at that time, saying, "O Eternal God, You who let Your servant see the first works of Your greatness and Your mighty hand, You whose powerful deeds no god in heaven or on earth can equal! Let me, I pray, cross over and see the good land on the other side of the Jordan, that good hill country, and the Lebanon." - Deuteronomy 3:23-25
From ReformJudaism.org: What Torah Requires Of Us by Rabbi Max Chaiken
From MyJewishLearning.com:
Dealing Wisely With Torah by Dena Weiss
Treatment of the Stranger: Our existential relationship to our ancestors and how we learn empathy by Rachel Farbiarz
Saturday, July 25, 2020
In this Torah portion, Moses recounts the Jewish people's experiences in the wilderness.
From MyJewishLearning.com: Culture and Counterculture
From ReformJudaism.org: It's Not For Us to Complete the Task by Dr. Carol Ochs
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Moses spoke to the heads of the Israelite tribes, saying: "This is what the Eternal has commanded: If a householder makes a vow to the Eternal or takes an oath imposing an obligation on himself, he shall not break his pledge; he must carry out all that has crossed his lips." - Numbers 30:2-36:13
From ReformJudaism.org:
Shabbat Sha-raps (Torah for teens)
There is safety in numbers by Kristine Garroway
From UCSJ, Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem: A Series of Torah Spots
Saturday, July 11, 2020
From My Jewish Learning: Meet the Torah's Bold Band of Status-Quo Challenging Sisters, by Erika Davis
From Aish.com: Care to be Right by N.Y. Safran (For Parents & Children) Aish's Torah commentary for youth have stories pertaining to the week's Torah portion along with discussion questions for interactive parent-child experience.
From Aish.com: Moral vs. Political Issues, by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (For Adults)
Saturday, July 4, 2020
From My Jewish Learning
In this Torah portion, God instructs Moses and Aaron regarding the red heifer. Miriam, who is the sister of Moses and Aaron, dies. Moses hits a rock to bring forth water rather than speaking to it. At the end Chukat, Aaron dies.
In Balak, the king of Moab, asks Balaam to curse the Israelites after he sees them defeat various nations in battle. Balaam’s donkey sees an angel of God and refuses to move any further. Balaam hits the donkey. God speaks through the mouth of the donkey to tell him not to curse the Israelites. Instead of cursing the Israelites, Balaam blesses them.
From MyJewishLearning.com: The Lost Years by Channa Locksin Bob
From ReformJudaism.org:
​Another Miriam Worth Remembering by Rabbi Carole B. Balin, Ph.D.
A Thin Line Between Passion and Zealotry by Rabbi Eric Yoffie
Saturday, June 27, 2020
KORACH, NUMBERS 16:1-18:32
Now Korach, son of Izhar son of Kohath son of Levi, betook himself, along with Dathan and Abiram sons of Eliab, and On son of Peleth--decendants of Reuben--to rise up against Moses, ... - Numbers 16:1-2
From ReformJudaism.org:
​The Balance Between Humility and Arrogance by Rabbi Lisa Gruschow
​​Watch Korach for Teens Shabbat Sha-raps video
From MyJewishLearning.com: Parashat Korach Summary
Saturday, June 20, 2020
In this Torah portion, Moses sends 12 spies to explore the Land of Israel. Ten of them convince the people that it will be too difficult to conquer the land. God responds to their lack of confidence by punishing them with 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. God commands the Israelites to put fringes on the ends of their clothing.
From MyJewishLearning.com: The Perils of Groupthink by Rabbi Asher Lopatin
From ReformJudaism.org: ​Hope in the Darkness of Fear by Rabbi Vered Harris
Watch BimBam.com's video on Sh'lach for young children
Saturday, June 13, 2020
In this Torah portion, the Israelites receive instructions regarding Passover. They journey forth from Sinai and complain to God on several occasions, provoking God’s anger. Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses.
From MyJewishLearning.com:
​Ceding Control -and Seizing It by Rabbi Matthew Soffer
​​Our Covenantal Responsibilities by Devorah Marcus
Saturday, June 6, 2020
NASO, NUMBERS 4:21-7:89
The Eternal One spoke to Moses: "Take a census of the Gershonites also, by their ancestral house and by their clans." - Numbers 4:21-22
From Reform Judaism.org:
​The Nazarite Vow by Rabbi Lisa Grushcow
Naso for Teens (video)
How Do We Bless Others by Riva Gambert
In addition to passages about taking a census, adultery and becoming a Nazir, Naso also deals with the Priestly Blessing, which is often described as God showing love for us. BUT how do WE show love to others? How do WE bestow blessings on others? In the Torah, love is not expressed through emotion but as a behavior.
In these troubled and unprecedented times, it is important to see that all of us are connected through our membership in humanity. Indeed, the spread of COVID-19 demonstrates this. Each human heart retains the same desire for respect. The same need for empathy.
Recently on Nextdoor, a man in his 30’s shared that he felt safer when, on a walk in his Walnut Creek neighborhood, he brought his 8 year-old daughter along with him. First, I couldn’t understand what he meant. Then he explained that he was African American and holding his daughter’s hand reduced people’s suspicions of him.
In the early 1980s at a Jewish Federation sponsored solidary Shabbat for Ethiopian Jews, most of whom had not yet been brought to Israel, we included a reading whose author I cannot recall. But it is a call for looking at our own behavior—especially important now. With no excuse, and with apologies to the author, I have added a new line, next to the last one.
Praise me, says God, and I will know that you love me.
Curse me, says God, and I will know that you love me.
Praise me or curse me
And I will know that you love me.
But if you sit fenced off in your apathy, says God,
If you sit entrenched in: “I don’t give a hang,” says God,
If you look at the stars and yawn,
If you see suffering and you don’t cry out,
If you see suffering and don’t cry out,
If you don’t see the same human heart in others
Then I created you in vain, says God.
Torah Commentary for Shavuot 2020
From MyJewishLearning.com: Why We Read the Book of Ruth on Shavuot and Shavuot in Modern Times
From Jewish Theological Seminary: Why We Eat Dairy on Shavuot by Ismar Schorsch, Rabbi Herman Abramovitz Distinguished Service Professor of Jewish History
From ReformJudaism.org: Shavuot for Tweens and Shabbat She-Raps (video for Teens)
Saturday, May 23, 2020
In Hebrew, Bamidbar means “in the wilderness” although the English name is Numbers. In this book of the Torah, the reader journeys along with the Israelites from Mt. Sinai through the physical wilderness before they arrive at the Promised Land. But it is not only an untamed place where they stay for decades, but an untamed emotional state in which they live. There is skepticism about reaching their eventual destination. They are afraid of what is to come of them. They doubt their own vision. Will there be a happy ending to their journey in the wilderness? In this COVID-19 time, we can see a parallel with many of our own emotions.
From ReformJudaism.org: Shabbat Sha'raps video for teens.
From TheYeshiva.net: Entering the Wilderness by Rabbi YY Jacobson
From ReformJudaism.org: Are Women Counted in the Book of Numbers by Rabbi Carole B. Balin, Ph.D.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Eternal One spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai: "Speak to the Israelite people and say to them: When you enter the land that I assign to you, the land shall observe a sabbath of the Eternal."
“In this Torah portion, God describes the laws surrounding resting the land and crops every seven years, as well as the Jubilee year every 50 years. God permits the use of slaves but provides stipulations including the obligation to eventually free your slaves” –MyJewishLearning.com
Godcast Video for Children on Behar (Adults will like it too!), Sustainable Farming in the Torah
From MyJewishLearning.com: Behar, A Summary of the Parashah (Good introductory commentary)
From ReformJudaism.org: When It’s Hard to Believe Life Will Get Better by Rabbi Billy Dreskin
From Chabad: Behar-Bechukotai in a Nutshell
Saturday, May 9, 2020
EMOR, LEVITICUS 21:1-24:23
This Torah portion gets its name from the word by which God tells Moses to “speak” the “Holiness” laws to the priests. The priests had special duties and special laws were given to them, which set them apart from the rest of the Israelites.
In today’s COVID-9 world, which group of people is being given special status? Think healthcare workers, food providers and emergency responders.
From Aish.com: All About Human Honor and the Holidays, by Rabbi Avi Geller
From MyJewishLearning.com: Parashat Emor, by Nancy R. Greenfield
From JTS: The Blasphemer's Twin by Tim Daniel Bernard
Saturday, May 2, 2020
"Acharei Mot, the first of this week's two parashiyot begins on an unsettling note -- a reminder of the death of Aaron's sons and the suggestion that such tragedies might occur again unless the priests take specified steps to prevent them" -- Rabbi Richard Levy
From MyJewishLearning.com: Do Not Open This Napkin by Rabbi Matthew V. Soffer
From ReformJudaism.org:
​Being Holy and Staying Alive by Rabbi Richard Levy
Acharei Mot for Tots by Ellen and Peter Allard
My rules alone shall you observe, and faithfully follow My laws: I the Lord am your God. - Leviticus 18:4
What good are rules if you can bend them?
We need a nanny who is disciplined and stern.
With boys and girls you don't befriend them.
I fear that Marry Poppins has a lot to learn.
-- Sung by George Banks in the musical "Mary Poppins"
Saturday, April 25, 2020
TAZRIA, LEVITICUS 12:1 – 13:59
For many of us, the Torah portions of Tazria and Metzora have never felt so relevant. While in years past there was a great sense of distance from the confusing descriptions of biblical skin afflictions, the quarantine of afflicted Israelites…it feels difficult to escape their prescience during our current global pandemic. (As a matter of fact, there was a recent essay published on thetorah.com exploring all of the parallels between COVID-19 and the treatment of Ancient Near Eastern contagious disease.) As we all struggle with the challenges of social distancing and the uncertainty of the future, I believe that insights into the details of our parshiyot can provide us with points of reflection for our present reality. - Rabbi Rogoff
View the youth-friendly video on this week's Torah portion here on Bimbam.com
From ReformJudaism.org:
​A Disease that Walls Get? Decoding Tzaraat and facing Our Fears by Professor Rachel Adler. Professor of Modern Jewish Thought and Judaism and Gender at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Los Angeles, Adler was one of the first theologians to integrate feminist perspectives and concerns into the interpretation of Jewish texts and the renewal of Jewish law and ethics.
The Plagues of Our Time by Rabbi Rifat Sonsino, Ph.D. Rabbi Sonsino is rabbi emeritus of Temple Beth Shalom of Needham, Massachusetts, and a faculty member of the Theology Department at Boston College.
From Jewish Theological Seminary:
Living Outside the Camp by Jason Roof, Academic Director of Israel Programs, Assistant Professor of Talmud and Rabbinics.(Posted on April 24, 2020)
Gender Inside and Outside the Tent by Joy Ladin, David and Ruth Gottesman Chair in English, Yeshiva University ​(Posted on April 28, 2017)
Saturday, April 18, 2020
SHEMINI (also spelled Sh'mini), LEVITICUS 9:1-11:47
From Jewish Theological Seminary:
​When Theology Fails by Chancellor Arnold Eisen. (Posted March 17, 2009)
How Do We Mourn? by Associate Professor Eliezer Diamond (Posted April 17, 2020)
From ReformJudaism.org:
C’mon, Baby, Light My Fire by Billy Dreskin.
From Reconstructing Judaism: May We All Be Liberated Soon by Rabbi Deborah Waxman, Ph.D.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
From ReformJudaism.org: Passover Intermediate Days
From Jewish Theological Seminary (Conservative): Matza's Majestic Meaning
From Aish.com: (The Family Parsha with questions for both parents and kids) A Different Kind of Slavery​